Traditional waterwheel attached to a stone building, possibly an old mill offering massage services, with a wooden fence in the foreground.


The Wal­ke­mühle offers a wide range of ser­vices – for all those who want to do some­thing for their health or sim­ply want to feel good. Phy­sio­the­rapy, mas­sage, foot care, cos­me­tics and much more await you here.
Dis­co­ver your well­ness tre­at­ment!
A serene bathroom setting with a Buddha statue, rolled towels, and decorative elements near a massage bathtub.
Health in focus – per­fectly tail­o­red to your needs.
A healthcare professional is assisting a patient with fitting a compression sock on their leg, following a gentle massage to ensure proper circulation.
Appoint­ment Reser­va­tion
Treat yours­elf to rela­xa­tion and reju­ve­na­tion – book your appoint­ment now.
Address and cont­act Infor­ma­tion
Walkemühle Göttingen

Brau­weg 81

37073 Göt­tin­gen
0551 5008817 1
Fax – 0551 500 88 17 5
Ope­ning hours
8:00 – 21:00 Uhr
8:00 – 20:00 Uhr
8:00 – 21:00 Uhr
8:00 – 20:00 Uhr
8:00 – 21:00 Uhr
11:00 – 18:00 Uhr
11:00 – 18:00 Uhr
Con­sul­ta­tion hours
Appointment booking, phone consultation Hours, gift vouchers purchase, etc.

Mo – Fr: 9:00 – 12:00 & 14:00 – 18:00


During phone con­sul­ta­tion hours or via email at, please can­cel appoint­ments with at least 24 hours’ notice or for valid reasons. Other­wise, we may need to invoice you for the missed appoint­ment as we can­not real­lo­cate the time slot. Thank you for your under­stan­ding.

Direc­tions – By car

High­way A7 – Exit Göttingen/Dransfeld, head towards the city cen­ter. At the inter­sec­tion after the rail­way bridge, turn right onto Bür­ger­straße, then take the fourth street on the right (Lot­ze­straße) and con­ti­nue straight until you see the Bade­pa­ra­dies pylons indi­ca­ting the ent­rance on your right.

Mit dem Bus

The city bus lines 61, 91, and 92, as well as regio­nal bus line 130, stop every 15 minu­tes right in front of the Bade­pa­ra­dies ent­rance. Sim­ply fol­low the signs from there.

Alter­na­tively, you can reach us via Brau­weg. Our ent­rance is directly oppo­site the out­door pool on Brau­weg.