A row of weight plates on a barbell rack at a Fitnessstudio.


In the ASC Fit­ness area we accom­pany you with qua­li­fied per­son­nel. Indi­vi­dual and ori­en­ted trai­ning, focu­sed on ath­le­tic and on health as well.
ASC Frau­en­stu­dio
Qua­li­ta­tive and well-super­vi­sed spe­ci­fic trai­nings for women.
Modernes Fitnessstudio mit verschiedenen Trainingsgeräten und Geräten.
ASC Per­for­mance
Our gym for ambi­tious ath­le­tes.
Modern Fitnessstudio interior with strength training equipment and a designated weightlifting area.
ASC Sport­cen­trum
We sup­port you in achie­ving your indi­vi­dual trai­ning goals in the best pos­si­ble way.
Innenraum eines gut ausgestatteten Fitnessstudios mit Laufbändern, Hantelständern und einer Bankdrückstation.

ASC Fitness Team

Get to know our dyna­mic fit­ness team, who will sup­port you in our three stu­dios to pro­mote your fit­ness and health.
Your club in your pocket!
With the ASC app, you always have your favo­rite sports club with you! Our app pro­vi­des you with ever­y­thing you need to orga­nize your club life digi­tally.
Ein Smartphone mit einer Fitness-App mit Optionen für Indoor-Cycling- und Wassergymnastik-Kurse sowie einem ASC-Newsfeed mit einer verschneiten Szene.
Wide range of sports start­ing at €17 per month.
Become a mem­ber easily!