Eine ruhige Badezimmereinrichtung mit einer Buddha-Statue, grünen Handtüchern und einer Pflanze auf einem Tablett, die eine Spa-ähnliche Atmosphäre vermittelt, ideal für die Entspannung bei einer Massage.

Massages & Baths

Expe­ri­ence pure rela­xa­tion and revi­ta­liza­tion with our mas­sa­ges and baths that pam­per your sen­ses and res­tore your inner peace.
Mas­sa­gen & Bäder
Ent­span­nung und Erho­lung, um Kör­per und Seele zu ver­wöh­nen.


You can decide the focus of our mas­sage.

ca. 20 Min., 27,50 €
ca. 30 Min., 38,50 €
ca. 40 Min., 50,00 €

Full body massage

The sen­si­tive mas­sage of the entire body pro­vi­des abso­lute rela­xa­tion and well-being. It has a stress-reli­e­ving effect and pro­vi­des men­tal cla­rity and fresh­ness.

ca. 40 Min., 50,00 €
ca. 60 Min., 70,00 €

Aromatic oil massage

Sel­ec­ted oils bring you deep rela­xa­tion and harm­ony. You choose which fra­grance from our range you would like us to pam­per you with. Boo­ka­ble as a par­tial or full body mas­sage

ca. 40 Min., 55,00 €


A mas­sage with warm basalt stones, which are pla­ced on the energy cen­ters of our body and thus have a deeply rela­xing effect. Mus­cle ten­sion is reli­e­ved and the lympha­tic flow is sti­mu­la­ted.

ca. 30 Min., 44,00 €
ca. 60 Min., 79,00 €

Pregnancy massage

Mothers-to-be can relax and be pam­pe­red with a back or full-body mas­sage spe­ci­ally tail­o­red to pregnant women.

ca. 25 Min. Back mas­sage, 39,00 €
ca. 50 Min. Full body mas­sage, 69,00 €

Ayurveda Abhyanga-massage

Full body mas­sage from India that acti­va­tes the body’s self-heal­ing powers. Abhyanga is also known as “the great Ayur­ve­dic oiling”.

ca. 90 Min., 105,00 €

Shiatsu application

Shi­atsu is a fin­ger pres­sure appli­ca­tion on the clo­thed body along the meri­di­ans, cou­pled with stret­ching of the mus­cles and mobi­liza­tion of the joints.

ca. 30 Min., 30,00 €
ca. 60 Min., 60,00 €

Fascia massage

This type of mas­sage focu­ses on the con­nec­tive tis­sue, which sur­rounds our entire body as an enve­lo­ping net­work of ten­sion.

ca. 40 Min., 50,00 €

Foot reflexology massage

A pres­sure point mas­sage on the feet that attempts to influence the organs of the body via reflex areas.

ca. 30 Min., 38,50 €

Anti-stress massage

An exten­sive com­bi­na­tion of rela­xa­tion for the back, arms, neck and head.

ca. 40 Min., 52,00 €


A tra­di­tio­nal Indian foot mas­sage.

ca. 30 Min., 38,50 €

Oil-salt massage

Feel the power of this ting­ling scrub with coarse sea salt and oil. Sup­ported by mas­sage strokes on the back, the valuable ingre­di­ents of the sea salt pene­trate the skin. The salt has a dis­in­fec­tant effect, pre­ven­ting inflamm­a­tion and irri­ta­tion of the skin. The exfo­li­a­ting effect remo­ves dead skin cells.

ca. 25 Min., 34,00 €

Cleopatra bath

A mix­ture of whey and mois­tu­ri­zing oils leave the skin soft and sup­ple.

ca. 60 Min. 60,-€ / for two 65,00 €

Bath for two

A rela­xing time for two with spar­k­ling wine and a little sur­prise.

ca. 60 Min. 60,00 €

Relaxation bath

Pure rela­xa­tion with dif­fe­rent bath addi­ti­ves depen­ding on the sea­son

ca. 30 Min. 40,00 € / for two 45,00 €

Note: The tre­at­ment times include dres­sing and und­res­sing.

Appoint­ment reser­va­tion
Well­ness mas­sa­ges – treat yours­elf to some time out and do some­thing good for yours­elf.