Modernes Fitnessstudio mit verschiedenen Trainingsgeräten für Frauen in einem hellen, geräumigen Raum.

ASC Women’s Studio

The ASC women’s stu­dio stands for high-qua­lity and well-super­vi­sed trai­ning in a plea­sant atmo­sphere. Whe­ther you are young or older, healthy or with limi­ta­ti­ons, expe­ri­en­ced in fit­ness or wit­hout any pre­vious expe­ri­ence in sport, our doors are open to all women.

In our fitness studio, you will find

- Inno­va­tive, easy-to-use fit­ness equip­ment

- A diverse car­dio area

- Two spaces for func­tional trai­ning

- A wide range of small equip­ment

- A large sel­ec­tion of group fit­ness clas­ses

- Child­care with a play­room

- A sauna with a spa­cious rela­xa­tion area

- A large, free par­king lot right in front of the stu­dio

You’re among ladies only

In our stu­dio, you can train freely and in a rela­xed, per­so­nal atmo­sphere – we embrace women’s empower­ment! Our female trai­ners are skil­led in fit­ness, sports the­rapy, and health, and are ready to sup­port you with exper­tise. Whe­ther in…

- mus­cle buil­ding

- weight reduc­tion

- body sha­ping

- mobi­lity

- get­ting fit after pregnancy

- main­tai­ning and regai­ning ever­y­day func­tion­a­lity

- pain reduc­tion or fol­low-up trai­ning after rehab”

We are here for you

We assist you on your indi­vi­dual jour­ney! After an initial check-up and a detailed medi­cal history review, you will receive a per­so­na­li­zed trai­ning plan tail­o­red to your goals and desi­res. We will go through it with you tho­roughly to ensure all your ques­ti­ons are ans­we­red. You can sche­dule your trai­ning ses­si­ons fle­xi­bly, both in terms of time and con­tent, with US always available as your point of cont­act. So don’t hesi­tate any longer—schedule a free trial ses­sion now to get to know us!

Schedule your trial session now!

If you’re unsure whe­ther ASC Fit­ness is right for you, come in for a trial ses­sion and let us con­vince you! Our trial ses­sion is free and wit­hout obli­ga­tion. In 45 – 60 minu­tes, we’ll show you our stu­dio, dis­cuss your goals and inte­rests, try out a few exer­ci­ses, and explain our terms in detail. If you decide to join us, we’ll sche­dule an ori­en­ta­tion ses­sion to create your per­so­na­li­zed trai­ning plan.

If you’re alre­ady sure you want to train with us, you can sche­dule your ori­en­ta­tion ses­sion directly.

Please call 0551 507771 to sche­dule your trial ses­sion or ori­en­ta­tion appoint­ment.

Address and cont­act details
ASC Frauenstudio

Benz­straße 1a

37085 Göt­tin­gen

Antonia Winkler

Stu­dio manage­ment
0551 507771
Ope­ning hours
07:00–22:00 Uhr
09:30–22:00 Uhr
07:00–22:00 Uhr
09:30–22:00 Uhr
07:00–21:00 Uhr
09:00–17:00 Uhr
09:00–17:00 Uhr
Offers at the women’s stu­dio
Choose from our diverse range of offe­rings to find what suits you best.
View now

Gesund & Fit

Mon 09:00 – 10:00 | ASC Frau­en­stu­dio

Ein beschwing­ter Start in den Tag. Gesund & Fit beginnt mit einem locke­ren Auf­wär­men kom­bi­niert mit Koor­di­na­ti­ons­übun­gen. Die Gelenke wer­den mobi­li­siert und das Gleich­ge­wicht geschult. Die Kräf­ti­gung kommt dabei auch nicht zu kurz.

View now

Gesund & Fit

Mon 10:00 – 11:00 | ASC Frau­en­stu­dio

Ein beschwing­ter Start in den Tag. Gesund & Fit beginnt mit einem locke­ren Auf­wär­men kom­bi­niert mit Koor­di­na­ti­ons­übun­gen. Die Gelenke wer­den mobi­li­siert und das Gleich­ge­wicht geschult. Die Kräf­ti­gung kommt dabei auch nicht zu kurz.

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Diverse sports offe­rings start­ing from 17€/month.
Joi­ning is easy!