Innenraum eines Fitnessstudios mit einer Reihe Laufbändern links und Krafttrainingsgeräten rechts.

ASC Sports Center

We will advise and sup­port you in achie­ving your indi­vi­dual trai­ning goals. You have a lar­ger trai­ning area, new and ultra-modern class­rooms and a sauna with an addi­tio­nal ter­race at your dis­po­sal.

In our fitness studio you will find

- a large trai­ning area

- a car­dio zone

- a free weight area

- a Human Sport cir­cuit

- various cable machi­nes

- Tech­no­Gym trai­ning equip­ment (indi­vi­du­ally con­troll­able via app)

A small, well-lit gym with various exercise machines and equipment.

Your needs

A per­so­na­li­zed trai­ning plan tail­o­red to you, along with the fle­xi­bi­lity to train on your own sche­dule and focus, sup­ports you in achie­ving your fit­ness goals.

Our advan­ced Tech­no­Gym equip­ment, which allows for elec­tro­nic track­ing of trai­ning data, is desi­gned to sup­port your work­outs per­fectly. Addi­tio­nally, we can digi­tally create trai­ning plans and goals using the MyWell­ness app, and regu­larly mea­sure your bio­me­tric values such as body weight and body fat per­cen­tage. Whe­ther you’re a beg­in­ner, recrea­tio­nal enthu­si­ast, or com­pe­ti­tive ath­lete, our well-trai­ned and ver­sa­tile team of trai­ners is always available to assist you in achie­ving your indi­vi­dual inte­rests and goals.

In addi­tion to the fit­ness stu­dio and trai­ning area, our new class rooms repre­sent ano­ther high­light in the sports cen­ter. Here, you’ll find five distinct rooms desi­gned for spe­ci­fic focu­ses, ideal for fit­ness clas­ses, gym­nastics ses­si­ons, or even per­so­nal use.


This class room, known among our mem­bers as the ‘Dark Room,’ fea­tures spe­cial light­ing effects desi­gned to enhance moti­va­tion during phy­si­cal acti­vi­ties such as Jum­ping Fit­ness, Indoor Cycling, or Zumba.


The Moti­va­tion Room is equip­ped with ver­sa­tile equip­ment for func­tional trai­ning. In this space, we offer ser­vices such as per­so­nal trai­ning, ath­le­tic trai­ning, and box fit­ness.


A tra­verse moun­ted on the cei­ling, along with intri­guing light­ing effects, allows for diverse and enga­ging work­outs in this class room. The focus here includes sports offe­rings such as yoga, Pila­tes, and TRX.


This is the lar­gest class room in the buil­ding, accom­mo­da­ting various group acti­vi­ties such as core work­out, Tabata, and chair gym­nastics.


This room also brings tog­e­ther lar­ger sports groups. Under the gui­dance of our trai­ned and moti­va­ted ins­truc­tors, clas­sic clas­ses such as (step) aero­bics, body fit, or abs, legs, and glu­tes are regu­larly held here.

Schedule your trial session now!

You’re not sure if ASC Fit­ness is right for you? Come for a trial ses­sion and let us con­vince you! The trial ses­sion is free and wit­hout obli­ga­tion. In 45 – 60 minu­tes, we’ll show you our stu­dio, dis­cuss your wis­hes and inte­rests, try out a few exer­ci­ses, and calmly explain our terms. If you decide to become a mem­ber, we’ll sche­dule an ori­en­ta­tion ses­sion to create your detailed trai­ning plan.

You can sign up for a trial ses­sion by cal­ling us at 0551 3834641.

Address and cont­act Infor­ma­tion
ASC Sportcentrum

August-Schütte Platz 1

37085 Göt­tin­gen

Oliver Gonzalez Arnay

Stu­dio manage­ment
0551 3834641
Ope­ning Hours
08:00–22:00 Uhr
08:00–22:00 Uhr
08:00–22:00 Uhr
08:00–22:00 Uhr
08:00–22:00 Uhr
09:00–17:00 Uhr
09:00–17:00 Uhr
Class Sche­dule for Sport­cen­trum
Dis­co­ver the per­fect class in our diverse range of offe­rings.
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Fas­zio® | Weekend Spe­cial

Sun 09:30 – 10:30 | ASC Sport­cen­trum

Fas­zio®, Fas­zi­en­trai­ning mit Kon­zept Ein gesun­des Fas­zien-Gewebe kennt weni­ger Ver­span­nun­gen und deren Schmerz­si­gnale. Wir trai­nie­ren unser Fas­zien-Gewebe in unter­schied­li­chen Prin­zi­pien wie: – Beweg­lich­keits­trai­ning der gan­zen Kör­per­li­nien, also über lange Ket­ten – Lockere, schwin­gende, federnde Bewe­gun­gen für mehr Elas­ti­zi­tät – Ggf kom­men lösende Tech­ni­ken mit dem Ten­nis­ball oder der Fas­zi­en­rolle vor

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Herz­sport für gemischte Belast­bar­keit

Mon 08:00 – 09:00 | ASC Sport­cen­trum

“Kraft­voll leben – Herz­sport macht’s mög­lich!” – Bei­trags­frei Teil­nahme nur mit ärzt­li­cher Ver­ord­nung nach vor­he­ri­ger Bera­tung. Mit einer Reha­sport-Ver­ord­nung und kar­dio­lo­gi­scher Dia­gnose kön­nen in der Regel bis zu 90 Übungs­ein­hei­ten in unse­ren Herz-Kreis­lauf­grup­pen absol­viert wer­den. Herz­sport ist spe­zi­ell dar­auf aus­ge­rich­tet, das Herz-Kreis­lauf-Sys­tem zu stär­ken und die kör­per­li­che Belast­bar­keit zu ver­bes­sern. Er rich­tet sich an Men­schen nach einem Herz­in­farkt, einer Bypass-Ope­ra­tion oder einer ähn­li­chen Erkran­kung und hilft, die Gesund­heit zu för­dern und die Lebens­qua­li­tät zu stei­gern. Durch pro­fes­sio­nel­ler Anlei­tung unter­stützt der Herz­sport die Teilnehmer:innen bei all­täg­li­chen Her­aus­for­de­run­gen und för­dert ein akti­ves und gesun­des Leben.

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Diverse sports offe­rings start­ing from 17€ per month.
Become a mem­ber easily!