Eine Gruppe von Kindern, die im Kreis sitzen, Händchen haltend auf dem Boden liegen und unter Betreuung Teamarbeit oder Einigkeit zeigen.


A chil­d’s world is a world of move­ment! Child­ren in motion does­n’t just mean making child­ren sweat – it means a holi­stic move­ment edu­ca­tion that encou­ra­ges child­ren in their per­so­nal deve­lo­p­ment.
Learn more about our nur­se­ries and kin­der­gar­tens.
Three young children playing together in a colorful, toy-filled room under Betreuung.
Junior Club / Hort
Learn more about our child­care offe­rings for child­ren aged 6 – 10 years.
Group of children engaged in an outdoor educational activity with clipboards under Betreuung.

Overall concept

The edu­ca­tio­nal con­cept of all ASC Kin­der­be­treu­ung faci­li­ties is pri­ma­rily cha­rac­te­ri­zed by a focus on move­ment pedagogy. In addi­tion to our gene­ral edu­ca­tio­nal mis­sion, this approach ent­ails spe­ci­fic goals for our groups. Each child is uni­que, and we empha­size accep­ting and respec­ting this uni­que­ness.

Mission statement

The asc-gGmbH is a sub­si­diary of ASC Göt­tin­gen and ali­gns its­elf with the ide­als of the asso­cia­tion.

As an inde­pen­dent pro­vi­der, its pur­pose lies in the care of infants, child­ren, and stu­dents in appro­ved, con­cept-ori­en­ted day care cen­ters and schools.

Lean­doo Parent App
The Modern Child­care Soft­ware
With the Lean­doo Parent App, par­ents have the oppor­tu­nity to receive important infor­ma­tion from the child­care faci­lity in a data-pro­tec­tion com­pli­ant man­ner, notify absen­ces, and view sche­du­les and meal plans.
Mit der ASC Kita-APP können sich Eltern jederzeit über die aktuellen Termine oder Neuigkeiten des Kindergartens informieren.