Daily exercise and sports in the school routine support balance, enhance concentration, and positively impact children’s academic performance. This is precisely why the project “fit for pisa +” introduces more sports into the school week. Special activities on healthy nutrition and medical supervision complete the project concept.
Fit for pisa+ places great emphasis on tailoring the project content to each elementary school. Fun is at the forefront of implementation, ensuring enthusiasm among the children. Thus, children benefit from increased physical activity and sports, well-founded and playful nutrition education, and the support of a sponsoring physician. The holistic approach of the concept improves children’s well-being, enhances balance and concentration, and promotes activity in sports clubs.
To ensure long-term behavioral change and the sustainability of the project, children are accompanied from the first to the fourth grade.
Every child can be a part of fit for pisa+!
Movement and Sports Module
- At least two additional sports or physical activity sessions per week
- Supplements to school sports, movement breaks, trend sports, project days, sports events
- Guidance by school staff or instructors from cooperating sports clubs
Food and Nutrition Module
- Two single and double lessons per school year
- Playful implementation of various topics such as food variety, sensory perception, and kitchen experts
- Joint preparation of meals in the kitchen, e.g., snacks and breakfast options
- Guidance by a nutritionist or trained staff
Modul Patenarzt
- Sponsorship between a doctor and the class
- Care, advice, support (class and practice visits, parent evenings)
- Example topics: my body, first aid, a day in the doctor’s office, vaccinations, media consumption
- Contact the ffp+ coordination team at info@fit-fuer-pisa.de
- Submission of project details
- Initial meeting, school walkthrough, individual project adaptation for the school, decision in the staff meeting/general conference to implement the project
- Involvement of local sports clubs, FWD volunteers, educational staff, doctors, and designation of a ffp+ contact person at the school.
- Concept Implementation, Integration into Everyday School Life
ffp+ school
- Start in the 1st classes at the beginning of the school year, regular exchange with the coordination office
Would you like to get involved as an instructor in the field of sports, nutrition, or health?

Freya Pense
Fit für pisa+ schools
Stadt Göttingen:
Grundschule Herberhausen
Landkreis Göttingen:
Heinrich-Grupe-Schule Rosdorf
Heinrich-Christian-Burckhardt-Schule Adelebsen
Grundschule Hilkerode
Grundschule am Wall Hann. Münden