Ein kleines Kind schaut beim Spielen durch einen bunten Holzbogen.

Overall concept

Exer­cise and sport are at the heart of the con­cept work in our faci­li­ties.

The edu­ca­tio­nal con­cept of all ASC Kin­der­be­treu­ung faci­li­ties is pri­ma­rily cha­rac­te­ri­zed by a focus on move­ment pedagogy. In addi­tion to our gene­ral edu­ca­tio­nal and deve­lo­p­men­tal goals, this approach defi­nes spe­ci­fic objec­ti­ves for our groups. Each child is uni­que, and we prio­ri­tize accep­ting and respec­ting this uni­que­ness.

We want to…

…use child­ren’s natu­ral curio­sity, addres­sing their inte­rests and ques­ti­ons, and desig­ning lear­ning con­tent in an enga­ging and dif­fe­ren­tia­ted man­ner. The focus is always on allo­wing child­ren to explore and expe­ri­ment, while also chal­len­ging and sup­port­ing them.

…in addi­tion to the gene­ral edu­ca­tio­nal man­date appli­ca­ble to day­care cen­ters, pro­vide enhan­ced move­ment expe­ri­en­ces that cater to child­ren’s natu­ral urge to move through our varied range of move­ment acti­vi­ties.

…sup­port and pro­mote the indi­vi­du­ally vary­ing deve­lo­p­men­tal steps of child­ren, with a focus on sen­sory per­cep­tion.

…pro­vide child­ren from all cul­tures access to the world, par­ti­cu­larly those whose mother ton­gue is Ger­man and/or Eng­lish (immersion/early Eng­lish).

…pro­mote the deve­lo­p­ment of early child­hood lan­guage skills in an age-appro­priate and playful man­ner.

…sup­ple­ment child­care offe­rings in after-school care with addi­tio­nal sports acti­vi­ties aimed at vio­lence pre­ven­tion for child­ren and ado­le­s­cents.

The pedagogical foundational principles in our facilities are:

- Family-com­ple­men­tary and sup­port­ive gui­dance in deve­lo­p­ment

- Holi­stic deve­lo­p­ment

- Pro­mo­tion of social, fac­tual, and self-com­pe­tence

- Edu­ca­tio­nal aspi­ra­tion through expe­ri­en­cing and test­ing inde­pen­dent action

- Child­ren’s co-design and par­ti­ci­pa­tion, cen­te­ring on con­side­ring their inte­rests and needs (par­ti­ci­pa­tion)

In our cen­ters, we work with spe­ci­fic con­cept focu­ses. The entire pedago­gi­cal work is always con­side­red holi­sti­cally and desi­gned by edu­ca­tors with a focus-ori­en­ted approach in daily prac­tice. Our pedago­gi­cal approach is aimed at pre­pa­ring child­ren for a life where fle­xi­bi­lity in thin­king and acting, crea­ti­vity, and social skills are more important than ever. To achieve our goals, relia­ble rules and ritu­als form the basis of our daily work. These serve as a secure frame­work for both child­ren and adults (par­ents and edu­ca­tors).