Fröhliches Sportteam feiert einen karrierebestimmenden Sieg mit einer Trophäe.


Dis­co­ver career oppor­tu­ni­ties at ASC. Find out more about our open posi­ti­ons, how you can apply and how you can become part of our dedi­ca­ted team.

Gemeinsam. Im Team!

The ASC Göt­tin­gen von 1846 e.V. is a club with more than 11,500 mem­bers and over 300 employees, making it the oldest and lar­gest sports club in Lower Sax­ony. In addi­tion to its tra­di­tio­nal sports acti­vi­ties, ASC 46 became active early on in the field of child­care. The estab­lish­ment of a play, sports, and move­ment school for child­ren aged five to ten pre­ven­ted the early spe­cia­liza­tion of the youn­gest ath­le­tes. This was fur­ther expan­ded with child­care ser­vices for child­ren aged 1 to 6 and stu­dents aged 6 to 10 (Junior Club, daily). Sport and exer­cise are cru­cial com­pon­ents of the over­all con­cept, along with lan­guage deve­lo­p­ment and envi­ron­men­tal edu­ca­tion.

Over the past twenty years, this con­cept has led to the estab­lish­ment of five child­care cen­ters and full-day care coope­ra­ti­ons at seven pri­mary schools, com­pri­sing a total of 13 after-school care groups. These faci­li­ties are now ope­ra­ted by a non­pro­fit sub­si­diary, the asc-Kin­der­be­treu­ungs gGmbH.

Addi­tio­nally, ASC Göt­tin­gen ser­ves as a host orga­niza­tion for vol­un­t­ary ser­vices in sports (BFD, FSJ, FÖJ) and as a sen­ding orga­niza­tion for the welt­wärts pro­gram in sports.

In the health and fit­ness sec­tor, ASC Göt­tin­gen mana­ges three fit­ness and health stu­dios with over 2000 mem­bers, a phy­sio­the­rapy prac­tice, and a health depart­ment with more than 1000 mem­bers.

Jan Feldhusen
0551 5174641
Antonia Braun
0551 51746672
Get invol­ved in sha­ping your sport and become an ins­truc­tor!
Fitness- und Gymnastik

Cont­act per­son: Kati Lud­wig

Cont­act per­son: Annika Stru­peit

Cont­act per­son: Kris­tina Wedig

Cont­act per­son: Daniel Ger­bode

Cont­act per­son: Jas­min Stein­metz

Cont­act per­son: Gesund­heits-Team
Job offers
We are loo­king for you! Apply and become part of the ASC com­mu­nity
Student assistent in all-day care  (m/w/d)
pedagogical staff member (m/w/d)