Frau trainiert im Rahmen des betrieblichen Gesundheitsmanagements mit Beinstreckung auf einem Bürostuhl.


With us, you can get your employees and col­le­agues moving – phy­si­cally, men­tally, tog­e­ther!

We offer you, among other things, the following services

- Active breaks (30–60 minu­tes)
– Topic work­shops on move­ment, nut­ri­tion,
and men­tal health (30–60 minu­tes)
– Weekly fit­ness and health clas­ses
– Mas­sa­ges at work­place
– Mem­ber­ships in our fit­ness stu­dios
– Team buil­ding acti­vi­ties

Your Benefit as an Employer

- Increase the pro­duc­ti­vity of all employees

- Satis­fied and moti­va­ted employees

- Reduc­tion health risks

- Cost decrease thanks to the redu­ced sick leave

- Rein­force of employee loyalty to the com­pany

- Appli­ca­tion of health-ori­en­ted bene­fits

- Indi­vi­dual solu­ti­ons for your com­pany

Get a Consultation Now

Tog­e­ther we will iden­tify which sub­ject bet­ween move­ment, nut­ri­tion, and stress manage­ment would be hel­pful for your com­pany and deter­mine the mea­su­res that can for­tify the health of your employees and col­le­agues. Health is indi­vi­dual, and work envi­ron­ments are com­plex. Taking a com­pre­hen­sive look at both and deri­ving appro­priate actions is wort­hwhile for both employees and super­vi­sors.

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