Laufen legs in motion during a marathon race.

Half marathon

The Göt­tin­gen half mara­thon on 05.05.2024
Half mara­thon
Here you can find all infor­ma­tion about the Göt­tin­gen half mara­thon

starting shots

Sonn­tag, 5. Mai 2024
10:00 Uhr – 21,1km half mara­thon
10:30 Uhr – 10,6km quar­ter mara­thon
10:45 Uhr – 2,1km twen­tieth Mara­thon


Par­ti­ci­pa­tion limit: 3.500 Per­so­nen
Start: Jahn­sta­dion Göt­tin­gen, Sand­weg 7,
37083 Göt­tin­gen

The start takes place with an inde­pen­dent line-up accor­ding to the tar­get time.


Jahn­sta­dion Göt­tin­gen, Sand­weg 7,
37083 Göt­tin­gen


Clo­sing time:
2 p.m.

We want you!

Become a volunteer at the Göttingen half marathon


On asphalt or more natu­ral paths, the route is mostly flat with only a short incline along the Leine. The start and finish are at the Jahn­sta­dion.
The course was mea­su­red on the basis of the Inter­na­tio­nal Com­pe­ti­tion Rules 240.3 (IWR). Music, spec­ta­tors and beau­tiful sce­n­ery accom­pany the course, whe­ther you run alone or in a relay team. In addi­tion to the main half mara­thon distance of 21.1 km, there is also a quar­ter mara­thon (10.6 km) and “the twen­tieth” (2.1 km) for school child­ren. The course will be kept free of traf­fic by hel­pers and a kilo­me­ter mar­ker will be pro­vi­ded.



All age groups from 2008 are eli­gi­ble to take part in the half mara­thon, all age groups from 2014 in the quar­ter (10.6 km) and only par­ti­ci­pants born up to 2010 in the twen­tieth (2.1 km).
Anyone with an offi­cial race num­ber is eli­gi­ble to start. Par­ti­ci­pa­tion requi­res that there are no medi­cal con­cerns. A club mem­ber­ship is not requi­red.


Online regis­tra­tion with a one-time direct debit aut­ho­riza­tion.

Regis­tra­ti­ons by tele­phone, e‑mail and wit­hout direct debit aut­ho­riza­tion will not be pro­ces­sed. Miss­ing infor­ma­tion and the asso­cia­ted bank char­ges will be char­ged to the par­ti­ci­pant.

If you need more information about the Göttingen half marathon, please write to us.

Antonia Winkler

    There is no entit­le­ment to a refund of the entry fee in the event of non-par­ti­ci­pa­tion.
    Coll­ec­tive regis­tra­ti­ons for clubs or com­pa­nies are pos­si­ble for the relay as well as for the team clas­si­fi­ca­tion for schools. If you would like to regis­ter a team, com­pany team or school class, please click on “To team regis­tra­tion” in the regis­tra­tion por­tal.

    Appli­ca­tion dead­line
    Fri­day, May 3, 2024, 6:00 p.m.
    Late regis­tra­ti­ons are pos­si­ble from the day of the race until 60 minu­tes before the start.


    Regis­tra­tion fees
    half mara­thon & Relay-half mara­thon:
    38,00 Euro (until 05.05.2024)


    The quar­ter (10,6 km):
    20,00 Euro (until 05.05.2024)


    The twen­tieth (2,1 km):
    5,00 Euro (until 05.05.2024)

    Event shirt 25,00 Euro (online only until March 31, 2024)
    A half mara­thon event shirt can be orde­red with the regis­tra­tion.
    Please indi­cate size (women / men) when regis­tering (S / M / L / XL).
    Issue on the event weekend.
    Sale on site on the event weekend only while stocks last.


    Start­ing docu­ments
    In the ASC club­house (Dan­zi­ger Straße 21, 37083 Göt­tin­gen)
    Fri­day, 03.05.2024 from 13.00 – 17.00 o’clock
    Satur­day, 04.05.2024 from 10.00 am – 6.30 pm

    At the Jahn­sta­dion Göt­tin­gen (Sand­weg 7, 37083 Göt­tin­gen)
    Sun­day, 05.05.2024 from 7.30 am – 9.00 am

    Please ensure that the num­bers are not covered and are cle­arly visi­ble. They are gene­rally not trans­fera­ble.


    Timing sys­tem
    Time­kee­ping is car­ried out by the com­pany RUNTIMING GbR. The chip is loca­ted on the back of the race num­ber and does not have to be retur­ned after crossing the finish line. Please make sure that the chip is not remo­ved from the race num­ber or bent. The race num­ber must also be worn cle­arly visi­ble on the front of the body. ATTENTION: No time­kee­ping wit­hout race num­ber chip!


    Sepa­rate ran­king for men and women.
    All AK
    Relay clas­si­fi­ca­tion
    Stu­dent team clas­si­fi­ca­tion (10 stu­dents e.g. from one school = one team)


    Par­ti­ci­pa­tion is at your own risk. The organizer/organizer accepts no lia­bi­lity for damage of any kind. This also applies to acci­dents, lost clot­hing and other items.

    Upon receipt of the start num­ber, each par­ti­ci­pant bin­din­gly decla­res that there are no health con­cerns against par­ti­ci­pa­tion. Each par­ti­ci­pant reco­gni­zes the exclu­sion of lia­bi­lity upon regis­tra­tion.

    The place of juris­dic­tion is Göt­tin­gen.


    There will be seve­ral refresh­ment stands along the route and in the start/finish area. There will also be drinks and food stands (available for purchase) for spec­ta­tors in the finish area.


    Sports bag sto­rage
    The sports bags can only be han­ded in for sto­rage in the desi­gna­ted check­room on the sta­dium grounds, marked with the start num­ber. No lia­bi­lity.
    Bib num­ber sti­ckers will be issued for this pur­pose.


    Chan­ging rooms/toilets
    Show­ers, toi­lets, sani­tary faci­li­ties and chan­ging rooms are available.


    There is only limi­ted par­king available in the start/finish area. It is pos­si­ble to book a par­king ticket in advance for 5.00 euros when regis­tering.


    Accom­pany­ing vehic­les (cars, bicy­cles and motor­cy­cles) are not per­mit­ted on the route. As this is a run­ning event in accordance with the rules of the DLV, par­ti­ci­pa­tion and accom­p­animent on rol­ler skates / inline skates, skate­boards or other sports equip­ment is not per­mit­ted. Baby jog­gers, Nor­dic wal­king sticks and ani­mals are also not per­mit­ted and will result in dis­qua­li­fi­ca­tion. Any vio­la­tion of the con­cept of fair play will result in dis­qua­li­fi­ca­tion from the event.

    Sta­tus: 06.03.2024

    (Sub­ject to change wit­hout notice)

    We are looking for you! – Become a volunteer at the Göttingen Half Marathon

    Would you like to be part of an unfor­gettable event and help ensure that ever­y­thing runs smoothly? Then become a vol­un­teer now and sup­port us at the Göt­tin­gen Half Mara­thon on May 5, 2024!


    Your bene­fits at a glance:

    1. Daily allo­wance in the amount of 25€
    2. team shirt
    3. Vol­un­teer cer­ti­fi­cate
    4. Cate­ring on the day of the event
    5. Vol­un­teer party
    6. Network/Event expe­ri­ence

    Help us to make the Göttingen Half Marathon unforgettable!

    Regis­ter now as a vol­un­teer and be part of it!

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