Außenansicht eines modernen Bürogebäudes mit Leitbild-Logo und rundem, siloartigem Aufbau.

Mission statement of the ASC 46

Our mis­sion state­ment defi­nes who we are and what we stand for and it gui­des us in ever­y­thing we do. Dis­co­ver more about how we shape our com­mu­nity and our goals.

- ASC Göt­tin­gen von 1846 e.V. is a modern sports club that draws its strength from a good mix of tra­di­tion and per­spec­tive and it is ori­en­ted towards its mem­bers.

- Cha­rac­te­ri­zed by inter­ge­ne­ra­tio­nal thin­king and action, edu­ca­tion and care through sport are of par­ti­cu­lar importance, espe­ci­ally for child­ren and young peo­ple.

- As a popu­lar sports club, it is open to all social groups (inclu­sion) that put effort into its values and goals.

- In order to rea­lize its sport­ing and cul­tu­ral goals as well as the idea of sport and envi­ron­ment, it also has its own sports and mee­ting faci­li­ties.

- As a popu­lar sports club, its mis­sion is to pro­mote com­pe­ti­tive, elite, recrea­tio­nal and health sports on an equal foo­ting within the scope of the available oppor­tu­ni­ties.

- It does not pay ath­le­tes and rejects sports that con­tra­dict the idea of pro­mo­ting health through sport.

ASC gemeinsam. In Bewegung!

Anyone ente­ring the Club­haus of ASC Göt­tin­gen von 1846 e.V. quickly reco­gni­zes the posi­tive sym­bio­sis of tra­di­tion and per­spec­tive. The ASC 46 logo, which has ser­ved as the club’s cal­ling card since the last major mer­ger in 1980, hangs next to the “Alte Fahne der Turn­ge­meinde Göt­tin­gen” from 1849. At that time, the Turn­ge­meinde Göt­tin­gen and the SSC Göt­tin­gen came tog­e­ther to form a large club. Today, with more than 11,750 mem­bers, ASC 46 is one of the lar­gest clubs in Ger­many and is pre­pared for the future in terms of the variety and qua­lity of its acti­vi­ties.

Sport and exer­cise stay at the heart of the wide range of acti­vi­ties on offer, which are desi­gned to appeal to any age groups and any social clas­ses, from todd­lers to senior citi­zens. In the Club­haus in Dan­zi­ger Straße, which was com­ple­ted in 1989, it is easy to reco­gnize the club’s cross-gene­ra­tio­nal, broad sports ori­en­ta­tion. Edu­ca­tion and care are lived, because in addi­tion to our child­ren from our day-care cen­ter, senior citi­zens find the social cont­act that makes old age worth living in chair gym­nastics, health sports and board games. During one year of vol­un­t­ary ser­vices, young peo­ple are led to be active in sport and are for­med as trai­ners or club mana­gers.