Gruppe von Kindern nimmt an einer interaktiven „Rückenwind“-Klassenaktivität teil.


Playful, joyful, moving, und above all funny… that’s our lear­ning sup­port. That’s RÜCKENWIND

Due to COVID-rela­ted school clo­sures, distance lear­ning, home­schoo­ling, and digi­tal edu­ca­tion, not only know­ledge gaps have ari­sen but also ine­qua­li­ties among stu­dents have been exa­cer­ba­ted.

Our pro­ject “Rücken­wind” tar­gets stu­dents in gra­des one through six who are sup­ported and encou­ra­ged in addres­sing their lear­ning defi­cits through extra­cur­ri­cu­lar lear­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties. Par­ti­ci­pa­ting stu­dents are super­vi­sed by stu­dents once a week in small groups or in indi­vi­dual set­tings.

Addres­sing inte­rests and ques­ti­ons, crea­ting exci­ting and dif­fe­ren­tia­ted lear­ning con­tent, and harnes­sing child­ren’s natu­ral curio­sity form the basis of the diverse metho­do­lo­gi­cal and didac­tic design of the “Rücken­wind” ses­si­ons.

Each child is seen with their indi­vi­dual needs and per­so­nal abili­ties, and the inte­gra­tion of playful, active actions with tasks that require focu­sed work in writ­ten areas cha­rac­te­ri­zes the sup­port in the “Rücken­wind” pro­ject.

Fur­ther­more, the use of “ana­log” tea­ching mate­ri­als is sup­ple­men­ted by lear­ning oppor­tu­ni­ties with digi­tal media and qua­li­fied lear­ning apps.

Moreo­ver, “Rücken­wind” aims to streng­then and pro­mote the self-con­fi­dence and self-worth of young peo­ple, enab­ling them to have a sus­tainable and posi­tive stan­ding in social inter­ac­tions.

Would you like to learn more about “Rückenwind”?

Feel free to cont­act our pro­ject coor­di­na­tor.