Kinder in orangefarbenen Trikots feiern in einer Turnhalle.


Regis­ter now for the next tour­na­ment and show us what you’ve got!

With the Schul­liga Göt­tin­gen, we aim to pro­vide child­ren and ado­le­s­cents with easy access to various com­pe­ti­tive sports. Com­pe­ting with others remains a moti­va­tor in sports, and in groups and teams, it ser­ves as an important fac­tor for iden­ti­fi­ca­tion. From regio­nal neigh­bor­hood com­pe­ti­ti­ons to nati­on­wide events, our regu­lar offe­rings aim to pro­mote fun in phy­si­cal acti­vity. Join us and regis­ter directly for the appro­priate com­pe­ti­tion below.