Gruppe von Menschen, die drinnen an einer Teambuilding-Übung teilnehmen.

SPORT vernetzt

SPORT ver­netzt stands for relia­ble, easily acces­si­ble and cross-sport offers for all child­ren.

ASC Göt­tin­gen has been part of the ALBA Ber­lin initia­tive since May 2022, imple­men­ting sports pro­grams in 9 social areas of Göt­tin­gen.

Whe­ther it’s sports and exer­cise in day­care cen­ters, ele­men­tary schools, or secon­dary schools, ever­y­thing is pos­si­ble!

We aim to get child­ren and ado­le­s­cents moving and to inspire them, regard­less of their back­ground, cul­ture, social sta­tus, or sexual ori­en­ta­tion.


9 Social Areas

124 Sports and Exer­cise Pro­grams

5,003 Active Child­ren

SPORT vernetzt Niedersachsen

ASC Göt­tin­gen is part of the SPORT ver­netzt group in Lower Sax­ony. Tog­e­ther with Alba Ber­lin, the State Sports Asso­cia­tion, and other part­ner clubs, we are working on a joint net­work for more move­ment and sports in Lower Sax­ony.

More information on the project website

Just get in touch!

Whe­ther you’re a coach, school, day­care cen­ter, club, or poten­tial part­ner: Become part of “SPORT ver­netzt” with ASC Göt­tin­gen!

Freya Pense