Your club in your pocket!

With the ASC App (click here for the Brow­ser-Ver­sion), you always have your favo­rite sports club with you! Our app pro­vi­des ever­y­thing you need to digi­tally orga­nize your club life. You’ll receive all infor­ma­tion about ASC Göttingen’s offe­rings, can become a mem­ber, manage your mem­ber­ship, plan your sports week, and cont­act ASC staff with any ques­ti­ons. Many fea­tures are also available to non-mem­bers to explore the lar­gest grass­roots sports club in Lower Sax­ony. On this page, we ans­wer the most important ques­ti­ons about the release and use of our new app.

Your club in your pocket!
With the ASC App, you always have your favo­rite sports club with you! Our app pro­vi­des ever­y­thing you need to digi­tally orga­nize your club life.
Ein Smartphone mit einer Fitness-App mit Optionen für Indoor-Cycling- und Wassergymnastik-Kurse sowie einem ASC-Newsfeed mit einer verschneiten Szene.

The ASC App offers you these features

- cur­rent and exclu­sive infor­ma­tion about ASC

- over­view of all club offe­rings

- search func­tions to find the right offe­rings near you

- regis­tra­tion and can­cel­la­tion for sports cour­ses, trai­nings, events, and

- boo­king of holi­day care ser­vices

- over­view of your regis­tra­ti­ons and boo­kings

- noti­fi­ca­ti­ons for chan­ges, can­cel­la­ti­ons, etc.

- digi­tal trai­ning plan (for ASC Fit­ness Stu­dio mem­bers)

- become a club mem­ber

- over­view of your con­tracts and invoices

- self-manage­ment of your data and con­tracts

- self-manage­ment of data and con­tracts for family mem­bers

- cont­act ASC staff

Important questions and answers

How do I acti­vate my app account as an ASC mem­ber?

Here are two opti­ons, depen­ding on whe­ther your email address is alre­ady regis­tered with us or not. If we have a valid/current email address for you, you will receive an email from us on July 8, 2023, con­tai­ning a link to acti­vate your account for the ASC App. Click on the link in the email and sim­ply fol­low the ins­truc­tions. Please also check your spam/junk fol­der to ensure our email did not end up there.

If you do not have an email address regis­tered with us or did not receive an acti­va­tion email, please cont­act us start­ing July 10 so we can enter your address into our records and arrange for acti­va­tion on your behalf. Once your ASC App account is acti­va­ted, you can use the func­tions accor­ding to your mem­ber­ship.

Can I use the ASC App even if I’m not a mem­ber?

Abso­lut­ely! Of course, you can use some of the fea­tures even if you’re not yet a mem­ber of ASC Göt­tin­gen. Wit­hout regis­tra­tion, you can get an over­view of our news and offe­rings and explore our media library. You can also book spe­cial events or work­shops that are not exclu­sive to mem­bers through the ASC App. Howe­ver, you’ll need to regis­ter and create an account in the app first.

Where can I get help with ques­ti­ons about using the ASC App?

Of course, we are here to help you every step of the way. We have crea­ted short video tuto­ri­als for you, explai­ning the key fea­tures of the app and pro­vi­ding usage tips. Alter­na­tively, you can reach out to our advi­sory team during our con­sul­ta­tion hours, who will assist you in cla­ri­fy­ing any ques­ti­ons. You can also send us an email or sub­mit an inquiry through the app at any time.