Außenansicht eines Geschäftsgebäudes mit dem asc-Logo, einer weißen siloähnlichen Struktur und einem Ziegeldach.

Contact us

Always available for you: Cont­act the ASC for all mat­ters rela­ting to sport, cul­ture and club acti­vi­ties – we are just a mes­sage away!
Address and cont­act
ASC Göttingen von 1846 e. V.

Dan­zi­ger Str. 21

37083 Göt­tin­gen
0551 5174645
Con­sul­ting team
Do you have a ques­tion? Our advi­sory team is ready to ans­wer all your ques­ti­ons.

Simply get in touch

If you have a gene­ral query or don’t know exactly who to cont­act about your request – you’ve come to the right place. Wha­te­ver the topic, we will for­ward your mes­sage to the right per­son.

    Wide range of sports from €17 per month.
    It’s easy to become a mem­ber!