Ein lächelndes junges Mädchen hält einen Teller Brownies in der Hand und hat die Gesichtsmaske bis zum Kinn heruntergezogen, um die Bedeutung der Ernährung zu demonstrieren.

fit für pisa +

Daily motion, nut­ri­tio­nal edu­ca­tion and lots of fun!

Daily exer­cise and sports in the school rou­tine sup­port balance, enhance con­cen­tra­tion, and posi­tively impact children’s aca­de­mic per­for­mance. This is pre­cis­ely why the pro­ject “fit for pisa +” intro­du­ces more sports into the school week. Spe­cial acti­vi­ties on healthy nut­ri­tion and medi­cal super­vi­sion com­plete the pro­ject con­cept.


Fit for pisa+ places great empha­sis on tail­oring the pro­ject con­tent to each ele­men­tary school. Fun is at the fore­front of imple­men­ta­tion, ensu­ring enthu­si­asm among the child­ren. Thus, child­ren bene­fit from increased phy­si­cal acti­vity and sports, well-foun­ded and playful nut­ri­tion edu­ca­tion, and the sup­port of a spon­so­ring phy­si­cian. The holi­stic approach of the con­cept impro­ves children’s well-being, enhan­ces balance and con­cen­tra­tion, and pro­mo­tes acti­vity in sports clubs.

To ensure long-term beha­vi­oral change and the sus­taina­bi­lity of the pro­ject, child­ren are accom­pa­nied from the first to the fourth grade.

Every child can be a part of fit for pisa+!

Movement and Sports Module

- At least two addi­tio­nal sports or phy­si­cal acti­vity ses­si­ons per week

- Sup­ple­ments to school sports, move­ment breaks, trend sports, pro­ject days, sports events

- Gui­dance by school staff or ins­truc­tors from coope­ra­ting sports clubs

Food and Nutrition Module

- Two sin­gle and dou­ble les­sons per school year

- Playful imple­men­ta­tion of various topics such as food variety, sen­sory per­cep­tion, and kit­chen experts

- Joint pre­pa­ra­tion of meals in the kit­chen, e.g., snacks and break­fast opti­ons

- Gui­dance by a nut­ri­tio­nist or trai­ned staff

Modul Patenarzt

- Spon­sor­ship bet­ween a doc­tor and the class

- Care, advice, sup­port (class and prac­tice visits, parent evenings)

- Exam­ple topics: my body, first aid, a day in the doctor’s office, vac­ci­na­ti­ons, media con­sump­tion

Take part
Become a part of fit for pisa+ as a school!


- Cont­act the ffp+ coor­di­na­tion team at info@fit-fuer-pisa.de

- Sub­mis­sion of pro­ject details


- Initial mee­ting, school walk­th­rough, indi­vi­dual pro­ject adapt­a­tion for the school, decis­ion in the staff meeting/general con­fe­rence to imple­ment the pro­ject


- Invol­vement of local sports clubs, FWD vol­un­teers, edu­ca­tio­nal staff, doc­tors, and desi­gna­tion of a ffp+ cont­act per­son at the school.


- Con­cept Imple­men­ta­tion, Inte­gra­tion into Ever­y­day School Life

ffp+ school

- Start in the 1st clas­ses at the begin­ning of the school year, regu­lar exch­ange with the coor­di­na­tion office

Would you like to get involved as an instructor in the field of sports, nutrition, or health?

Feel free to cont­act us…
Freya Pense

    Fit für pisa+ schools

    Stadt Göttingen:






    Grund­schule Her­ber­hau­sen

    Landkreis Göttingen:

    Hein­rich-Grupe-Schule Ros­dorf

    Hein­rich-Chris­tian-Bur­ck­hardt-Schule Ade­leb­sen

    Grund­schule Hil­ke­rode

    Grund­schule am Wall Hann. Mün­den