Büroarbeitsplatz mit einem Ordner mit der Aufschrift „Meldestelle – Bestimmungen“ mit Euro-Banknoten und einem Taschenrechner.


We are here to ensure that all aspects of our club life are in line with the appli­ca­ble regu­la­ti­ons.

ASC Göt­tin­gen von 1846 e.V. is often seen as a bea­con for large, modern popu­lar sports clubs in Ger­man sport. By com­bi­ning a long, suc­cessful tra­di­tion with an eye for the new, ASC 46 has an enorm­ous range of offers, tasks and respon­si­bi­li­ties. Around 500 vol­un­teer coa­ches look after the 11,846 mem­bers (as at 31.12.2023) in the wide range of sports on offer. At the same time, the asso­cia­tion and its sub­si­dia­ries are now the size of a medium-sized com­pany. As a spon­sor, we look after around 900 vol­un­teers every year, run five of our own day­care cen­ters and are a coope­ra­tion part­ner at many Göt­tin­gen ele­men­tary school with after-school groups and school sports pro­grams. All of this demons­tra­tes a high degree of social and poli­ti­cal respon­si­bi­lity as well as mutual trust.

The foun­da­tion on which the entire ASC Göt­tin­gen von 1846 e.V. is based is our shared values: tole­rance and respect, sus­taina­bi­lity and respon­si­bi­lity for the future, fair play and per­so­nal inte­grity. On this basis, a com­pli­ance con­cept and code of ethics were adopted at the Annual Gene­ral Mee­ting on April 20, 2018, which sets out our values in wri­ting and sum­ma­ri­zes them as “Gene­ral Rules on Inte­grity in the Association’s Work”.

The com­pli­ance con­cept sets the frame­work for day-to-day busi­ness ope­ra­ti­ons with regard to com­pli­ance with laws, gui­de­lines, rules and obli­ga­ti­ons.

There are indi­ca­ti­ons of dubious decis­i­ons or actions if one of the fol­lo­wing ques­ti­ons can be ans­we­red with “No”:

- Is my action legal?

- Is my decis­ion fair?

- Does my beha­vior com­ply with our values and gui­de­lines?

- Is my action or decis­ion free from undue influence, e.g. per­so­nal inte­rests?

- Does my beha­vior stand up to public scru­tiny? How would this appear in a news­pa­per report?

If there are doubts about one’s own con­duct or indi­ca­ti­ons of dubious pro­ces­ses in areas of respon­si­bi­lity or func­tions, this should be repor­ted to the rele­vant supe­rior and, if neces­sary, the com­pli­ance offi­cer. Sug­ges­ti­ons for impro­ve­ment can then be deve­lo­ped and imple­men­ted.

As an inde­pen­dent orga­niza­tio­nal unit for deal­ing with vio­la­ti­ons of its own gui­de­lines and recom­men­da­ti­ons for action, an ombudsperson’s office, staf­fed by mem­bers of the Exe­cu­tive Com­mit­tee, was set up tog­e­ther with the com­pli­ance con­cept. The ombudsperson’s office was res­truc­tu­red in 2023 on the basis of the Whist­le­b­lower Pro­tec­tion Act as an inter­nal report­ing office.

You can down­load the com­pli­ance con­cept and code of ethics here:
Com­pli­ance Kon­zept und Ethik-Code

Inter­nal report­ing office and ombuds­per­sons of ASC Göt­tin­gen von 1846 e.V.

Whist­le­b­lo­wers make a very important con­tri­bu­tion to unco­ve­ring and punis­hing wrong­do­ing. The Whist­le­b­lower Pro­tec­tion Act, which came into force on July 2, 2023, ser­ves to pre­vent dis­cri­mi­na­tion and give whist­le­b­lo­wers legal cer­tainty.

A sense of secu­rity for the whist­le­b­lower is crea­ted by appoin­ting an inter­nal report­ing office of the orga­niza­tion, also known as an ombuds­man or ombuds­per­son.

This inter­nal report­ing office is set up inde­pendently of the orga­niza­tio­nal hier­ar­chy. Infor­ma­tion can the­r­e­fore be pas­sed on in an envi­ron­ment of trust.

The inter­nal regis­tra­tion office of ASC Göt­tin­gen von 1846 e.V. and its sub­si­dia­ries ASC Kin­der­be­treu­ungs gGmbH and asc-Dienst­leis­tungs GmbH can be rea­ched via the e‑mail address ombudsstelle@asc46.de. If requi­red, a per­so­nal mee­ting can also be arran­ged by prior appoint­ment.